Cultural Tourism And Sustainable Development Goals

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Cultural Tourism And Sustainable Development Goals

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Tourism In 2030 Agenda

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By Theano S. TerkenliTheano S. Terkenli SciProfiles Scilit Google Scholar and Vasiliki Giorgola Vasiliki Giorgola SciProfiles Scilit Google Scholar *

Pdf] Establishing The Connections Between The Goals Of Sustainable Development And Creative Tourism

Submitted: 12 November 2021 / Revised: 22 December 2021 / Accepted: 22 December 2021 / Published: 28 December 2021

(This article is related to the special issue on the European perspective on cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable development and regional resilience)

The aim of this paper is to explore the views, practices, concerns and possibilities of cultural tourism in the Cycladic Islands among local residents, tourists and business representatives, particularly between three sites (Andros, Syros and Santorini). The concept and framework of cultural sustainability is used in the development of cultural tourism to analyze the inter-variable relationship between culture and tourism and overall regional sustainability, from a bottom-up/destination perspective. The methodological approach was an exploratory questionnaire survey of the field effected in the context of the SPOT Horizon 2020 EU project, Cultural Tourism in the Cyclades. Our findings show that the role of culture as a main tourist attraction and the potential for further growth of cultural tourism and consequent regional development are widely recognized. However, the role of tourism in cultural development, management and appropriation is viewed with a certain degree of dismay and ambiguity. The results of this study show that culture and tourism are positively related in the minds of local people, visitors and entrepreneurs involved in cultural tourism and tourism in general. Despite the fact that it is often privately run, the culture-tourism relationship is seen as a great potential for all stakeholders and for local cultural and collective sustainability.

Perhaps the most important question from the perspective of the supply side of tourism and the local destination communities is whether future tourism development can promote the further development of both the regional/regional/national tourism industry and, more importantly, at the regional level. General development and beyond This question, intentionally or unintentionally, addresses issues of sustainability. Thus, this question has been widely addressed by tourism and development researchers for decades since the end of the 1980s, while many research efforts have been aimed at refining and/or expanding the relevant theory and epistemology [1, 2, 3, 4, 5. ].

The Unexplored Scope Of Sustainability: Sdgs, Sdfs And Sdes

The multifaceted and competitive relationship of tourism with tourism development from different positions based on the three-dimensional scheme of economy-society-environment, which has recently been enriched and developed with cultural aspects [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. The cultural dimension of sustainability issues, including resource use, practices, demands and benefits, and other tourism possibilities and impacts, adds a further level of analysis and operation to the three pillars of “sustainability”, the institutions that tourism values, processes . And choices can be negotiated and influenced. In addition, culture itself represents the most basic and complete social parameter in any destination, all forms of human life and thought and its derivative products, practices, meanings, symbols, representations, etc. The discourse and experiences of tourist attractions, provide them with tourism products [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. The importance of culture for tourism and the concern about the cultural impact of tourism have been clearly expressed by different parties [17]. In addition, in the current turbulent and transitional period for tourism, sustainability issues, growing environmental awareness and cultural sensitivity, destination areas’ awareness of the precious resources they possess and their vulnerability [18], as well as the market Changing demands are particularly noteworthy. It is pressing and important for tourism and destinations in general, calling for new scientific research and interpretation of trends, attitudes, needs, challenges and possibilities. Clearly, “climate change calls for a transformative and regenerative approach to cultural tourism where priorities focus on building resilient and adaptive communities and heritage sites” [17] (p. 8).

In this context, this article explores cultural tourism ideas, practices, concerns and possibilities among local residents, tourists and business representatives in the case of the Cycladic Islands, specifically three sites (Andros, Syros and Santorini), which aim is to analyze the variation. The relationship between culture and tourism primarily in the development of cultural tourism and secondarily in the area of ​​overall local sustainability. The Cyclades island was chosen as our case study because it is one of the most important tourist destinations in Greece while also having a rich present and past cultural heritage.

The theoretical framework partly relies on the seminal work by Sonny and Birkeland [10] on cultural sustainability, and the methodological approach was an in-depth questionnaire survey in the field, influenced in the context of the SPOT Horizon 2020 EU project. , on cultural tourism. Cyclades, based on the principles of overall sustainability and Europeanization. The concept and framework of cultural sustainability is employed to discuss and contextualize our findings on the variable relationship between culture and tourism in these islands, in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the development of cultural tourism. With emphasis and its contribution to regional. Sustainability, from a bottom-up perspective.

The concept of sustainability has been widely used in planning, conservation, management, etc. in the last few decades, and is constantly confused and often ineffective and ineffective [19, 20, 21, 22., 23] . It has been undermined by uncritical, discursive simplifications and institutionalization of ways of thinking and acting, in favor of established practices, interests and concepts of human-environment relationships [2, 3, 16, 20, 24]. . At the same time, relevant scientific and institutional frameworks and principles have multiplied, aiming to increase and improve the practical application of sustainability and the ways of implementation [25, 26, 27, 28]. Culture, the highest level of reference in human life, the deepest and most stable system, is increasingly recognized as the essential basis of all spatial analysis [29, 30, 31]. Over the past decade, culture has been valued as the fourth pillar of sustainability and has been used theoretically and empirically to highlight the fundamental role it plays in understanding sustainability itself and its implications in various scientific and non-scientific fields. Plays in accomplishing goals. efforts [21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33].

Solution: Chapter 3 Tourism And Culture

In particular, culture can be recognized as an essential foundation for meeting the goals of sustainable development research and practice in many areas, not least tourism [6, 7, 9, 34, 35, 36]. Culture has traditionally been recognized as the most sensitive site for the negative impacts and reactions of tourism, while in recent years many studies have shown that tourism may enhance, enrich, sustain and/or further develop destination cultures. [17, 18, 37]. Based on face-to-face interactions between hosts and guests that create a “demonstration effect,” tourism may seriously contribute to cultural sustainability—and vice versa. Liu points out that “many of the sociocultural changes brought about by tourism development are beneficial and the special role of tourism in promoting modern values, social development and cultural evolution should be more appreciated” [19] (p. 467) . Despite the fact that cultural change – or any change, for that matter – through tourism is usually perceived by host communities with fear and suspicion, this phenomenon is widely recognized in various Greek tourism destinations. Widely accepted and described, including the Cyclades. The country’s post-war tourism development course [13, 38].

Among the various perspectives and possibilities regarding the use of cultural sustainability in recent scientific endeavors, we consider the application of the framework of cultural sustainability analysis proposed by Sonny and Birkeland [10]. Considered a very comprehensive and systematic point of departure in the section. Concept of our study. Spanning different political, cultural and normative positions and cautioning that its use should be highly contextual, Sonny and Berkland [10] organize and categorize the use of the concept.

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