Category Archives: Eco-Tourism

Preserving Biodiversity Through Eco-tourism

Preserving Biodiversity Through Eco-tourism – Ecotourism is the fastest growing sector in the tourism industry, accounting for 25 percent of global tourism. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization,  the number of ecotourists is growing annually by 20 percent.

Kazakhstan, with its abundance of untouched natural sites, has a huge potential for the development of ecotourism. Amazing natural landscapes, unique ecological routes, combined with ethno-cultural tourism, will impress even the most demanding tourist.

Preserving Biodiversity Through Eco-tourism

The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as responsible travel to natural areas that preserves the environment, supports the well-being of the local community and involves tourism and educational activities.

Table 4 From Role Of Ecotourism In Sustainable Development

The main feature of ecotourism is the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems when visiting natural areas. Ecotourism also enables the creation of economic conditions in which nature conservation becomes beneficial for local communities.

According … Read the rest

Sustainable Souvenirs: Eco-friendly Mementos

Sustainable Souvenirs: Eco-friendly Mementos – In today’s corporate world, companies increasingly recognize the importance of sustainable practices and environmental responsibility. One area where businesses can make a positive impact is their corporate gifting strategy. Custom eco-friendly corporate gifts for employees not only show appreciation but also reflect commitment to sustainability and green initiatives. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of eco-friendly corporate gifts and present a diverse range of thoughtful, planet-friendly gift ideas for employees.

Corporate gifting is an important part of employee appreciation and building strong relationships with clients. However, the traditional approach to corporate gifting often involves items that cause environmental pollution and waste. Choosing eco-friendly corporate gifts aligns with values ​​of sustainability and shows the company’s commitment to the planet.

Sustainable Souvenirs: Eco-friendly Mementos

By choosing eco-friendly gifts, businesses can demonstrate their social responsibility and have a positive impact on the environment. Moreover, employees will appreciate … Read the rest

Exploring Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

Exploring Sustainable Tourism Initiatives – Thailand is one of the best tourist destinations in the world. The country’s diverse geographical settings and rich cultural capital offer a wide range of tourism experiences, from relaxing on the beautiful sandy beaches of the south to exploring the lush forests of the mountainous north and enjoying local cultures in the northeast. In 2019, Thailand welcomed a record 40 million visitors. Therefore, tourism is a major driver of Thailand’s economic development, providing about 20% of the national GDP and employing more than 4.2 million people (11% of total employment). However, Thailand’s tourism industry is not without negative side effects. Unsustainable tourism management has led to environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity as well as uneven economic development. Often, the economic benefits from tourism accrue to large foreign tourists and investors while local communities receive minimal economic benefits and face many social and environmental harms.… Read the rest

Responsible Travel: Eco-friendly Tips

Responsible Travel: Eco-friendly Tips – We conducted a survey on Vasundhara Day and found that over 86% of respondents wished to be more eco-friendly when travelling. Just one flight from London to Sydney emits about 5 tons of carbon dioxide. This is almost half of the average person’s annual carbon footprint.

Traveling can be an amazing adventure, but it can also come at a huge environmental cost. At Generali Global Assistance, we are fans of responsible travel and our motto is “Take only photos, leave only footprints”. There are many easy ways to plan an eco-friendly trip and enjoy your vacation with sustainable travel options.

Responsible Travel: Eco-friendly Tips

Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from your daily activities. The amount depends on factors like how you travel or heat your home—but small changes can go a long way!

New Book: Sustainable Travel

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Exploring National Parks With Eco-tourism

Exploring National Parks With Eco-tourism – Hot Springs National Park has a rich cultural history. It is an icon of healing and a tribute to the 20th century “American Spa.” The magnificent architecture of our nine historic bathhouses is also complemented by the natural curiosities that have drawn people here for hundreds of years. The ancient hot springs, mountain views, incredible geology, forest hikes, and numerous streams – all right in the middle of town – make Hot Springs National Park a unique and beautiful destination.

Be sure to visit the Fordyce Bathhouse Museum and Visitor Center to speak to a ranger and gain a glimpse of the splendor of this special place.

Exploring National Parks With Eco-tourism

Explore There are many ways to explore Hot Springs National Park. These are some of the most popular ways to experience the park and make your visit unforgettable.

Planning A Vacation To

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Eco-tourism And Adventure Sports

Eco-tourism And Adventure Sports – Traveling to run a marathon, go hiking, skiing, cycling, soccer, surfing, tennis… more people do it than you think!

To give an example, in 2022, 2.4 million people visited Spain for the purpose of exercising sports tourism. A variant within the classification of tourism that not only represents a positive impact for the economy, but also promotes sustainability.

Eco-tourism And Adventure Sports

It should be noted that the sports offer is not only for those who travel expressly to take part in a competition, it is also aimed at people who engage in what is known as “active tourism”, where the visitor is not. a practitioner of sports activity but wants to live the experience while traveling. This mode is very common in sports such as: climbing, surfing, kayaking, or hiking.

Sustainable Japan: Eco Tourism Experiences To Make Lasting Memories

Both sport and active tourism … Read the rest

Eco-tourism: Exploring Rainforest Habitats

Eco-tourism: Exploring Rainforest Habitats – The rainforests are home to the greenest paradises in the world – the rainforests. It is said that half of all living things on earth live in rainforests and 20 percent of our oxygen on this planet comes from the Amazon alone. We have put together these jungle tours that put you right in the heart of these untouched forests to allow you to see it all up close. Climb giant kapok trees to viewpoints, canopy bridges, and zip lines; kayak and canoe in the black lagoons alongside caiman crocodiles as you fish for piranhas; travel through dry forest areas in search of land mammals and curious primates. There is no limit to the rainforest tourand jungle tripm in keeping it, whether you travel through the Brazilian Amazon, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, the coastal forests of Costa Rica, or the South Pacific. Start planning your … Read the rest

Conservation Education In Eco-tourism

Conservation Education In Eco-tourism – Traveling broadens the mind. We can learn about new places and people and, in doing so, we learn about ourselves. And yet, it is essential that we do not allow animals, nature and the planet as a whole to pay the price of our experiences.

It is here that ecotourism, sustainable travel and responsible travel all play a vital role. Although responsible and sustainable travel requires that we travel consciously, ecotourism is a way for us to preserve the natural world as we learn about it. It allows us a more sustainable, childlike and thoughtful way to travel as we participate in conservation, preservation and protection.

Conservation Education In Eco-tourism

You may already be thinking about several aspects of ecotourism. You may be thinking about ways to limit your carbon footprint when you travel or looking for tour operators with great eco-credentials.

Pdf] Eco Tourism

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Eco-tourism Experiences Around The World

Eco-tourism Experiences Around The World – Ecotourism is a form of tourism marketed as “responsible” travel (using what proponents say is sustainable transport) to natural areas, preserving the environment and improving the well-being of local people.

The stated purpose may be to educate the traveller, to raise funds for ecological conservation, to directly suit the local communities’ economic development and political power, or to promote respect for different cultures and human rights.

Eco-tourism Experiences Around The World

Since the 1980s, ecotourism has been considered an important passion by environmentalists, who have said they want future generations to experience destinations relatively untouched by human interference.

Eco Tourism In Hawaii

Ecotourism can focus on educating travelers about local vironmt and natural surroundings with an eye towards ecological conservation. Some

Include in the definition of ecotourism the effort to produce economic opportunities that make conservation of natural resources economically possible.

Ecotourism focuses on … Read the rest

Eco-tourism: Connecting With Nature

Eco-tourism: Connecting With Nature – Posted by Kathy Brown | January 21, 2024 | Africa Safari, Asia and the Pacific, Canada and the North, Latin America, Travel Guides

A trip to the rainforest is full of exciting possibilities for adventure, whether through cultural exchange, photography, fishing, hiking, birding or wildlife watching.

Eco-tourism: Connecting With Nature

But not all rainforests are the same! Some are hot and humid and full of colorful orchids, while others are cool and gray and full of historic ferns. Some are known for their small inhabitants, such as hummingbirds, frogs and insects, others for orangutans or mountain gorillas. Many of the dense forests are best visited by boat, while others are best explored on land with a highly trained guide.

What Is Eco Conscious Tourism?

To get you started daydreaming about your next nature getaway, we’ve rounded up eight of our favorite rainforest destinations.

Many people … Read the rest