Exploring Lost Cities: Archaeological Adventures
Exploring Lost Cities: Archaeological Adventures – A “were-jaguar” figure, perhaps representing a combination of a human and a spirit animal, is part of an unburied ceremonial seat, or metate, one of the many artefacts found in making the ruins deep in the Honduran jungle.
In search of the legendary “City of the Monkey Gods,” explorers find untouched ruins of a lost culture.
Exploring Lost Cities: Archaeological Adventures
Adventures in Honduras have emerged from the jungle in a thrilling story of the discovery of a mysterious lost, unexplored city. The group is led to the countryside, which is uninhabited by a long-standing rumor that it is the location of the legendary “White City,” also known in ancient history as “The City of the Monkey God.”
Step Aside, Indiana Jones: Natgeo’s ‘lost Cities Revealed’ Stars San Diego’s Albert Lin
Archaeologists have explored and documented many plazas, earthworks, ruins, and clay pyramids from … Read the rest